Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

A Week in Farm Photos Sept 28th Oct 4th

For someone (me) who doesn't leave our property much, except to buy groceries and chicken feed, and up until now has lived a pretty private life on our farm, this past week was really a whirlwind. I returned from P. Allen Smith's farm on Sunday, appeared on a local television show on Tuesday and then Friday spent the day posing for my first professional photo shoot. Add to that signing a whole bunch of books and getting them mailed out, I barely stopped to catch my breath. 

It was all so much fun, but I'm looking forward to a far slower-paced next week - and some quality time with my husband and our animals. It's fun to be a jet-setter, but there IS no place like home. Oh and did I mention our spring Marans have laid their first eggs! Sweeet!
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